Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On his Twitter, Tom Powell was talking about lunch. This isn't a big place and there are few eating options. We usually eat at the same place each day, Mallard's Restaurant. Today, we ate there just a few feet away from Mary Winkler. The judge also ate there as well as other media members.

Winkler smiled at us and even made a joke with a reporter.


Anonymous said...

Aw how sweet she's joking with the msm. Why dont some of you run to Wal Mart and buy some nail polish. That way all of you can do her nails when she comes out in a few hours. You shouldve brought Mathews with you. He couldve breast fed her.

Anonymous said...

Good comment anonymous.
And they need to get her some cigarettes and a couple of six packs while they are at it.

Anonymous said...

Are you blogging or running a support Mary Winkler site? I am not surprised she smiled. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. So y'all just keep smiling and nodding at Ms. Mary. She likes she can spin you too.

She makes me gag. Why don't you run get her some beer and cigarettes?

Bonnieg said...

Is that woman CRAZY?!!!! She MURDERED her husband and now she wants monetary gain from it?
Ok OJ quit while you're still ahead. I mean she has already got away with MURDER!!! What else does she want?! Oh yea, MONEY!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this. Can we call her OJ II? The one difference is people and the press at least acknowledge OJ's wrong doing. Is the press afaid to cross this issue, maybe fear of being fired?