Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dan Winkler takes the stand

Matthew's father has taken the stand.
Dan says his concern was to take care of the girls and shield them from anymore pain.
He's describing a jail visit between Mary and her daughters, this took place shortly after the murder.
Dan Winkler says he told Mary, "We have not be trying to keep the girls from you, we have been trying to get them ready to see you."
Winkler says Mary started calling often and it often caused the children to have issues including nightmares that often involved people dying. Winkler says that's when he started restricting access.
Dan is now talking about the September 9, 2006 visit between Mary and the kids, the last one they had.


Anonymous said...

What a liar. I am embarassed as a Christian woman to have this guy who claims to be a preacher of the gospel saying this. He is suing to have her parental rights terminated. Disgusting. Disgusting. Get the girls out tonight.

Anonymous said...

The kids was going to have nightmares due to the change in enviroment and state of shock. That is not a good reason to keep the kids from their mother. I believe being with their mother will help in recovering. I'm sure not seeing their mother or their mother's side of the family (in over a year) has added to their pain.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both comments

Anonymous said...

The reason for their pain, is because their father is DEAD, because of their mother. KEEP THOSE KIDS AWAY FROM MARY!

Anonymous said...

I just love Dan Winkler he is such a good man. He and Diane are the only ones who have really tried to shield the children from all the pain, shame and embarrassment.

I thought about what Mary's witness said today how it is harmful to the children to talk BAD about the other parent. I wonder how they feel about their mother going on national television to tell the world how BAD their father was. No wonder these children are struggling. Bless them.

Anonymous said...

Keeping them from their mother is adding to their pain. Stop making the kids suffer and let them be with their mother. Let them ask their mother the proper questions, the questions that only needs to be answered by Mary. The kids and Mary needs each other to heal completely.

Anonymous said...

I agree

Anonymous said...

I think it is wrong to keep the girls from their mother. I agree with other post, they aren't being very Christian. I think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, his son got his mean behavior some where... the other sons wife had left him and this happen to Matthew, makes you wonder about their home life.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! Would you want your children raised by a MURDERER?? I would be ashamed to say I was a Christian and talk so badly about a man whose son was murdered and who has put his golden years on hold to try to help those children. Shame on you so called Christian!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Winkler's didn't ask to be put in this positon. I'm sure if things could be different, they would wish their son was still alive and he was raising his kids.

Anonymous said...

Dan is a very strange man with strange ideas on raising children and a woman's place in the family. That is how Mathew turned out so screwed up that his children were not allowed to cry, because his parents would not allow him to cry. Those girls need their mother not grandparents who are running through the children's trustfund.

Anonymous said...

Placing them back to look into the eyes of the killer of their father is not in their best interest.
They have to fear this strange woman who lies to them so easily. Why punish them even more? What have they done to be tossed into the lion pit like their daddy?

They will walk on eggshells so afraid they will do something to ignite this beast where her ugly spills out again.

Anonymous said...

Keep those children away from this murderer!!!!!!

To send them back to her would be cruel and unusual punishment. Leave them alone!!!!!

I would never want to let my grandchildren go back to the very one who has wrecked their lives and who is a killer. She has brought nothing but shame on these children. She deserves nothing but nightmares, seeing her children faces in them everyday of her pathetic life!!!

Anonymous said...

Mary should have her children, your mother is your best friend for the rest of your life no matter what. I really do think the Winklers are trying to punish Mary by this hearing for compleat coustey. SHE NEEDS THE GIRLS,AND THEY NEED HER SO BADLY. ONLY SHE CAN EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED TO SHE ANDTHEIR FATHER!

Anonymous said...

You people seem to forget that these three girls very well remember that their father was the one they had to walk on eggshells around. Their mother would stop him from disciplining them harshly over the slightest thing.
They saw their father's ugly come out all the time. I bet if you asked them,they would say Mary was the protector and they miss her. Your comments are so full of hate, but Jesus has already forgiven her. He knows the Hell Mathew put her through. Women need to understand that they do not need to take abuse. Killing someone is not the answer. Taking her children away is only punishing the children further. Why doesn't the judge ask them what they want? At least the older ones.

Anonymous said...

That is a bunch of baloney. I know many girls that are much more bonded to their father than their mother.

Anonymous said...

You are trying to put Mary's story into these children's heads. You have no clue what they know and it may be a lot about their mother instead of their father. Just because Mary tried to save her hide by using the abuse excuse never means these girls ever experienced any abuse from their father. In fact Patricia stated he was not abusive to them or to their mother.

You can believe Mary's charade and I will believe Patricia any day. She told her mother point blank in court that she loved her but did not want to see her. How many times does she have to tell her for it to stick she doesn't want to see her?

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Patricia always looked at her Grandfather before answering those questions. Maybe intense fear and brainwashing? No... Couldn't be that. A fine man like Dan Winkler who had to pay every single witness big money who testified at the custody hearing surely wouldn't intimidate his granddaughter, who is forced to live with him into fibbing. Get ready. The truth is about to come out big time. Go bury your head in the sand!

Anonymous said...

Obviously there are people who were in the house because they continue to describe POOR Mary and this so called abuse. YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THAT MATTHEW IN NOT HERE TO DEFEND HIMSELF. For those other unintelligent people who who obviously have never known a preacher, they do not have thousands of dollars to spend. It is so sad to me that so many people have been sucked in by a murderer who has gotten away with it. Even more pathetic, some people want to give 3 innocent children to a murderer. Maybe some of you should get those psychologist's name and make yourself an appointment!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you weren't so slow in the head, you would know that wife abusers don't usually act out in front of witnesses. Sounds to me like you might need some anger management yourself. What is your thing? Like to smack the wife around a little bit when she gets out of line? I guess women like Mary Winkler really scare you. A woman just might get sick of your abuse someday. Sure would be a loss. She might have to serve some time.

Anonymous said...

I am a wife and a mother. I would NEVER murder my husband and expect the world to bow at my feet the way Mary has. She has had no real punishment. She continues to draw attention to herself. Not only did she get away with murder, she is trying to make money from the whole tragedy. You do not know what went on in that house either. You only have the word of Mary. Those three children said FROM THE BEGINNING that they never saw their dad be mean to their mom.

Anonymous said...

Mary has never drawn attention to herself. The public is fascinated with the case because Matthew pretended tp be a perfect preacher when he was far from it. Mary has not been paid one dime for sharing her story, but the Winklers have.

You wait. Those kids will open up once they get out from underneath the influence of the Winklers and into couseling. Mathew treated those girls pretty badly, he always wanted a boy.

Anonymous said...

Ptricia doesn't want to see her mother because the Winklers have brain washed her into believing her mother is evil. Patricia is only 10 years old. The love a child has for a parent is very strong and once Mary is reunited with Patricia, Patricia will come around. Children are very forgiving. With proper counseling (which they have not had) these children will heal and they will forgive and they will continue to love their mother. Dr. Ablow is a joke. The Winklers don't have a case and that is why they have to pay someone who hasn't met with any of these people, and yet he had an opinion. He needs to dissappear.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh my goodness!!!!! Would you want your children raised by a MURDERER?? I would be ashamed to say I was a Christian and talk so badly about a man whose son was murdered and who has put his golden years on hold to try to help those children. Shame on you so called Christian!!!!

September 19, 2007 7:22 PM

Answer to above:

I am sure that Dan W's "golden years" are being made a little more "golden" with the girl's $$ fund, the fund that no one else seems to know much about but him.

I certainly would rather have these girls raised by their mother (who, by the way, was not convicted of murder, therefore she's not a "murderer"), than stay in a home with an abuser for a father.

Anonymous said...

Hello,,,,She confessed to shooting him in the back while he was asleep. If you do not call that a murderer, I don't know what you would call it. Secondly, MARY CALLED Oprah- not the other way around. Mary seemed to come right out of that shell of hers right after she found out that she got away with murder. I believe if I were abused as she CLAIMS, the last thing I would want is another man!!!! She does not even deserve to be called a mother. If this case had been heard in CA or NY, sweet Mary would be sitting in jail for life.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip, Selmer is much more conservative than NY or CA, heck OJ walked. Mary was tried by a jury of her peers who said she was not a murderer, but provoked into what she did. Four of those jurors showed up at the hearing yesterday to let the judge know they support Mary getting her children back.
By the way, Oprah had been calling Mary since the trajedy occurred asking her to do the show, but then you think you know everything.

Anonymous said...

I have to say this!!!!! I am so sorry if I have offended anyone on this BLOG. SO many people are angry and believe they truly know what happened in that house. No one really knows, only speculation. I think I know and others have their own opinion. As I have read the comments, I have become angry and typed things I would never have the guts to say to anyone. Those sweet children are the real victims in all of this. Their father is dead. Their relationship with their mother is deeply scarred. I think they should know their mother, but I don't think they should live with her full time. I do know that I have been familiar with the Winkler name my entire life. All I have ever known is goodness. With that I again say I am sorry if I have offended anyone. I pray those children may someday find peace and live a somewhat "normal" life. With that being said I am officially off this BLOG.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Just goes to show you that appearances can be deceiving. The Winklers have some dark secrets as to how children are raised.

We all agree that the children deserve to be happy and cared for.

Anonymous said...

I think the above comment is referring to is the first sentence from Oprah's lips was something like "Why did you want to meet with me Mary?" I know how conservative Selmer. The New York or California comment was also made on the Oprah show by the Court TV prosecutor. Whatever the future holds for Mary and the children, Mary must look at herself everyday. She will live in hell everyday whether it is behind bars or in her own home. I am sure that is a tough sentence in itself.

Anonymous said...

I have a question for anyone who might know. I have followed this case pretty closely from the beginning. As I have read the comments, people are either strong Mary supporters or strong Winkler supporters. I have read that it was Mary's decision to send the children to the Winklers. As a mother, if something tragic happened, I would call my family, not my husband's family. Not that my in-laws are not great people, personally, I would want my children with my family. Why did Mary not call her family to care for the children?

Anonymous said...

Mary's father is not in the best health as far as calling him to take complete care of the girls. That is why she called the Winklers. Lets keep in mind. Matthew keep Mary from her family for 10 years. The Freemans are just now get back to knowing Mary. Mary was not given a choice as who the kids should go with and did not know what rights she had.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought Mary's father testified that he had seen bruises. If he had not seen Mary in 10 years, how did he know? Has Mary's father ever met his grandchildren? What about Mary's sisters? I KNOW someone would have to kill me before I stayed away from my sisters. I would not allow a brother-in-law to keep me from them.
I know Mary attended Freed. Did she not graduate? I was thinking she might have gotten an educational degree. I may be wrong. I do know that you are unable to teach if you have any type of record. Would she be able to support the children, if so, how? My husband and I have 3 children, we both have really good jobs, but we still struggle to make ends meet.

Anonymous said...

Ok let me say one thing if you never were put into a mental abuse situation then you have no right commenting on anything. First off people can snap,and I believe in my heart Mary did just that, the morning the murder happened you need to realize Matthew kicked her out of bed because his daughter was crying, that was made clear on the Oprah Show, also he covered the baby's nose and mouth with his hand ugh hello if I were the mother and this just went on I think I would snap myself considering the years of mental abuse, thank god I only endured it for 8 months and I got away, if I would of went through years of it like Mary did I would of snapped too. As far as trying to get the courts to relinquish her parental rights in my opinion is very wrong, the Winklers are suppose to be cristians, and cristians dont act like that. You dont turn the children against the only parent they have left, it is the childrens right to decide if they want anything to do with the mother not the grandparents, what she did was wrong but they are being revengful trying to get her parental rights taken away.

Anonymous said...

I think mary was so embarassed about her life she didn,t want anyone to know the dark and dirty things.I don,t think she knew what she was doing,to grab the babies socks and run... run to where?

Anonymous said...

It's nearly impossible to find knowledgeable people on this topic, however, you seem like you know what you're
talking about! Thanks

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