This is a shot of one of our monitors. We are set up in a courtroom next to the one where the hearing is taking place. Mary Winkler was much more outspoken today than previously. WREG.COM is the only Memphis website blogging the hearing now.
Blogged by George Brown, News Channel 3
George you have done an outstanding job today, thanks! This is a good way while working to keep up with the news. Thanks WREG! Look forward to tomorrow!
She looks HOT! I just want to know what I got to do to get a date.. George can you pass Mary my phone # ..lol
Who is the jerk posting the "hot" blogs? It is so inappropriate.
that is what i was thinking. Pure hotness. And recently single... even better.
Good job, George. I'm in Huntingdon and I want to say thank you to you and WREG for the coverage. I always watch Channel 3! Welcome to both you and Stephine S.
Anonymous 4:10 sorry if my post "Mary looks Hot" upset up. Just trying to keep people relaxed! Sorry if it upset you. I know this is a serious moment.
yeah seriously hot!
Anonymous 4:15 .. LMAO!! She is hot!! I know comments like that makes her feel good about herself.
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