Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Response To Guardian Ad Litem

Kay Farese Turner:

Thinks the money is or is not the children's money referring to the Guardian Ad Litem's comments.

This is not a simple case. Is this money that belongs to children and if so, who received it and was it appropriate and should it be repaid.

Kay Farese Turner would like the court to pay her fees regarding getting the money back


JustAThought said...

GO Guardian!! Yea!!! A voice of reason!

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! Isn't this the same judge that was over the actual murder trial? If so, then we all know how this is headed.....

Anonymous said...

Guardian did feel the money needed to get out of the Church of Christ's hands.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand how anyone can put the blame of any kind on the grandparents. They are very good people and only had the best interest of the children in mind. This started with her greed of money (remember the check kiting???) and its ending with her greed of money

Anonymous said...

Oh so Mary's attorney wants the court to pay for her fees. And just where is this money supposed to come from...(out of the fund if it is turned over to the court). Get real, Ms. Turner.

Anonymous said...

So what's the verdict here??? I heard the judge say the money WAS solicited for the children, and belonged to them.....then something about the van.....then what???? TERRIBLE AUDIO AND COVERAGE FROM ALL THE MEMPHIS OUTLETS...

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand how anyone can put the blame of any kind on the grandparents. They are very good people and only had the best interest of the children in mind. This started with her greed of money (remember the check kiting???) and its ending with her greed of money

June 24, 2009 5:55 PM

What a profound and true statement. Mary has to have ice water in her veins to do something like this. She knows Dan and Diane are good people and were doing what they felt was right concerning the girls. She wants to be a thorn in their side until their dying days. She stripped them of their son and she will not be satisfied until they have nothing.

And the sad thing about it I don't think one person would have donated money if they had any idea Mary Winkler was going to want to get her hands on it. I donated but I mailed mine directly to Dan,Diane, personally made out to them, not the children. I just had a feeling that one day Mary would come back like a bad nightmare with her hand out.

Anonymous said...

Poor little Mary. Give me a break.
This has to be one of the most evil
people who was ever put on this earth.
Pure undiluted EVIL!

Anonymous said...

You would think that murdering their son in cold blood then dragging his name through that blood would be enough for her but I'm not sure she'll ever be satisfied. I grant you when they die she will be first in line to see what "her girls" are going to get.

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