Wednesday, September 19, 2007

5 Minute Recess

I'm going to take this time to update

Email me with questions or comments


Anonymous said...

Do you have any indiction of who else is going to testify? Are any of the Winkler family present? Did Dr. Zager give a specific diagnosis for Mary's current condition?

Anonymous said...

and, btw, thanks very much for your commentary.

Anonymous said...

Is this supposed to be done today? I am a Paralegal in Arkansas and I have never seen a custody trial finish in one day. Is this a two day event?

Anonymous said...

I believe there are five more witnesses including Matthew's parents and maybe another doctor.
It is scheduled to wrap today. This is an emergency hearing.

George Brown

Anonymous said...

Have the children been under any treatments and will that doctor testify today?

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day- Mary will have visitation with her children. As it should be!

Anonymous said...

I agree Mary should at lease get visitations and in the near future custody.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "At the end of the day- Mary will have visitation with her children. As it should be!"

You are as sick as she is!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said "I agree Mary should at lease get visitations and in the near future custody."

You are as sick as Mary Winkler if you truly believe that!

Anonymous said...

Convicted of Voluntary Manslaughter is not a reason to keep her from her kids FOREVER. Visitation!!! Court Day Over !!!

Anonymous said...

George, thanks for your coverage!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said "I agree Mary should at lease get visitations and in the near future custody."

You are as sick as Mary Winkler if you truly believe that!

Anonymous said...

Yea Thanks George for your coverage!!! And thanks WREG!!!

Heather said...

Thanks for the info on this today. Will the decision be made today if it 'wraps up'?

Anonymous said...

Mary Worshipers, I hope she comes and pays you all a special visit!

Anonymous said...

Decision : Mary Winkler will have VISITATION ... AND... in the near future... CUSTODY!! Thank Ya for loging on to WREG and Thank You George for a great Coverage. Everyone have a nice day .. Don't forget to tune into WREG @ 10p.m. tonight!!

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is the Winklers probably wish they could have visitation with their child, Matthew, but we all know Mary took care of that!!!

Anonymous said...

That would be great. I'd welcome a visit from her so that I could show her my support. No, I don't agree with killing your spouse but she does NOT deserve to never see her children again! YOU are the sick one!

Anonymous said...

Winkler's should wish Matthew didn't place his hand over the baby's mouth that morning to get her to PASS OUT!

Anonymous said...

Longest 5 minutes I've ever seen....sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Winklers could have raised a son who wouldn't try to abuse his wife and baby daughter! If they raised Matthew to do that, how will they raise Matthew's children?

Anonymous said...

Can Mary Winkler, George, and the rest of the WREG gang come see me TOO!!!

Anonymous said...

5 mins!! BREAK!! GEE ... I wish my lunch break was this LONG of a 5 mins.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "Winkler's should wish Matthew didn't place his hand over the baby's mouth that morning to get her to PASS OUT!"

Were you there????
Obviously not. If you believe a Murderer should have access to Children......Sorry Sicko....You are definitely the SICK ONE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mary will get visitation with her children. The Winklers have been breaking the law by keeping them from her. If they wanted to keep their son they should have stepped up to the plate and did something before mary snapped on him. They did raise him after all and they knew he wasn't right.

Anonymous said...

Mary was found guilty of VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER not Murder!! Why do you feel the need to call people names like Sicko? That sounds unstable to me!

Anonymous said...

I hope the kids go home with mary today.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I hope the kids go home with mary today.

That would proabaly be too much to hope for but I hope that too.

Anonymous said...

I do want to clarify that Mary's record will NOT be exponged. There's a misunderstanding out there that Mary's record will be wiped clear but that is not case. The judge did not grant her diversion.

George Brown

Anonymous said...

I hope she does too, I think she is hot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
Mary was found guilty of VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER not Murder!! Why do you feel the need to call people names like Sicko? That sounds unstable to me!


September 19, 2007 3:28 PM

Anonymous said...

I agree! Whoever thinks Mary should take the Children with her are out of their freakin minds..

Anonymous said...

I agree too.

Heather said...

I believe that she should have visitation rights to her children and the possibly down the road she may can regain custody. For those who do not support her, you have your right to disagree because of being blind to the realization of abuse. However, I grew up in a sexually abusive home and I tell you that there wasn't a day go by that I didnt hear how worthless I was and that it would do no good to tell because noone would believe me because of who my family was in the church so I DO understand the worthlessness that Mary feels and felt. People say, 'you could just leave.' but when you spend years of your life in a situation like that you are totally brainwashed. I don't condone her killing Matthew but i DO think that it was an accident and that she has done her time. She will spend the rest of her life with Sexual Abuse memories and flashbacks from someone who 'claimed' to be a man of God and who appears not to have been all he said he was. So, those who wish to cast stone on a victim, go right ahead but I DO hope that one day you will not have to experience sexual abuse and disgrace but if you do, maybe then you will understand what she and others go through on a day to day basis.

Anonymous said...

I still say she is hot and can visit me any time. Now the she is out of jail guys will be lining up at her door.