Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ciocca says it's important that children, especially those separated from a parent, not hear negative remarks about said parent. Ciocca has not personally talked with the children. It will be interesting to hear what happens in cross examination.

Some have commented on the length of the breaks. If you've never been to court, let me tell you there's a time warp that happens here.
I hope you're finding the blog useful and I appreciate your comments.


Anonymous said...

George DO you think Mary should get visitation or custody?

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much George for doing this blog, with no filming allowed in the court room this is the next best thing! I appreciate ALL of your efforts here to bring the "facts" as you are our eyes and ears during this trial.
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks George .. You are doing an amazing job

Anonymous said...

How's traffic outside the court house George? I've got to pick up my kids at their daycare. (I'm at work...not doing much work)

Anonymous said...

The blog is useful and interesting. Thanks much!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - How's traffic outside the courtroom .. Funny .. I would not of thought of that question. Smart!! By the way George is the fish bitting today?

Anonymous said...

This is useful. Helps us keep informed.

Anonymous said...

Mary ought to have the right to visit with her children, and re-establish a relationship with them. These Grandparents are being selfish by not allowing these girls to see their Mother. Eventually, she should get them back.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:45 I AGREE ...

Anonymous said...

Not only have the Winklers not let Mary see her kids, but the kids other grandfather, aunts, uncles, etc. have not seen the kids either. The kids need to see WHAT IS LEFT of their family!! Both Sides!!

Anonymous said...

Traffic is fine but it's interesting to watch everyone when Mary walks around. A lot of people grab cameras and start snapping pics.
Not my place to give an opinion on the custody situation. I will say that I'm glad I'm not the judge in this case.
Glad you like the blog.
I've been posting cell phone pics but they seem to be getting jammed. Trying to fix that.
Don't forget to vote in our poll at Scroll down the homepage.

George Brown

norman sheffield said...

George you are doing great much better than larry King could do,,welcome back to selmer anytime,,check with janice where to eat..Maybe next time in selmer will be a happier visit...when i go to memphis VA all ask me about keepus in the news.....

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the judge will do whatever the law says. That is all I want out of a judge. Just to UPHOLD the law!

Anonymous said...

I think Mary Winkler should give Janice an interview.. I going to call Mary and tell her to sat down with Janice next week. Janice will do better than Oprah! What you think George???

Anonymous said...

You people are killing me with the sympathy for poor little Mary. She doesn't deserve to have her kids back! She took a life, people! She had the gun in the van with her kids in Alabama, what was she going to do with it? Who knows? Those kids are happy right here in Huntingdon with people who love and care about them.

Anonymous said...

The kids are not just being kept way from Mary but also their other grandfather, aunts, uncles, etc. The kids have the right to see WHAT is left of their family! Mary will get visitation! I'm sure custody in the future!! Like it or not.

Anonymous said...

We found a great place in Selmer to eat, can't remember the name but it has an Irish theme.
Thank you for the nice comments. Janice would do a great job but I'd have to hope Mary would talk with News Channel 3 first :) Mary, I'm waiting!


Anonymous said...

Let's hope that Mary will be re-united with her children. She deserves to be a part of their lives and so does her family. The Winkler's are wrong in keeping them from her. Has the state checked into the Winkler's? Where did Mathhew's violence, rage,a nd twisted thoughts originate??????

Anonymous said...

I'll make sure Mary knows Channel 3 wants the first interview. knowing Mary she will say "So does everyone else and don't put my kids picture on TV!" Have anyone talked to Kathy Thomsen? That is who Mary stated with in McMinnville until she recieved her home. Mary looks at Kathy as a Mother figure.

norman sheffield said...

That Irish place,,McDonalds???

Anonymous said...

I think that Mary should get her children back. She has and is doing her time for what she had done, but the children should not have to suffer. No matter what their mother has done those children still love her and need her.