Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dan Winkler says he is not trying to be vindictive against Mary, that he cared about her very much, "One of the greatest tragedies is the loss of a daughter-in-law I loved very much."

The attorney for the Winkler's is done.

Kay Farese Turner is now cross examining Dan Winkler.

Turner, "Did you tell them they could not send pictures of themselves to their mother because she would sell them to the media?"

Winkler, "Absolutely not!"

Mr. Winkler said a counselor did tell them to withold some mail in order to help the children get settled.


Anonymous said...

He would do better if he just admitted that he hates her.

Anonymous said...

why won't he turn over the records for the trust fund if there is nothing to hide? They don't have to be public knowledge, but why not let the lawyers and judge see them?

Anonymous said...

How do you know he hasn't? That is not necessarily something we would know.

Anonymous said...

Who says he is refusing to turn over any records that the Judge as asked for? I certainly haven't heard that.

What does that have to do with Mary getting custody of the girls?

Are you saying Mary wants them only if the trust fund is attached to them?

Anonymous said...

If you remember , Mary wanted her kids to be in the care of the Winklers after she killed Matthew, not her so called loving family. The Winklers are great people and should not have to be dragged through the mud like this!

Anonymous said...

Point being she trust them and these great people have used that trust to get control of the kids and begin the hate campaign against this woman. great minister you got there.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone stopped to think how much alcohol and cigarettes Mary could buy with the Social Security checks the girls get from their father? Now there's real motivation for her to try to get custody. I don't believe she should benefit in any way from murdering Matthew. Let's face it, according to her own testimony, she never really held down a job, just part time here and there. She sees custody and her daughters checks as a much better living than actually supproting herself.

Anonymous said...

Mary has held down a job. It has some what been part time due to the battle of getting her kids back. As far as money spent. From what I can tell she spent money on making a home for her girls. She has a house, a car, and still the same job she has had. She did not spend money on weak witnesses as the winklers did. She has even looked into volunteers for The Race for the cure, St. Jude Children Hospital events, Youth Village fundraiser, boys and girls club, and even has checked into the girls being active with Girls Inc and everything else listed above. Mary has served her time and is returning herself to society as the best possible citizen she can with what she has to work with. She is letting God lead her.