Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Decision

The judge has said Mary Winkler may speak with her children every other day on the telephone and may visit with them under supervised conditions in Carroll County. The Winkler's must let Mary visit with the children by next Saturday.


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news!!!! Thanks George for keeping us updated

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Thanks be to God!

Anonymous said...

Do you know how often she will be allowed to visit the children?

Anonymous said...

Good decision on a temporary basis! It is unfortunate that a christian minister would be so vindictive as to deprive his grandchildren of a relationship with their Mother. I wonder how he explains his unwillingness to forgive to his congregation on Sundays?

Anonymous said...

Well good to see. At least the children are remaining where they should live and that is with the Winklers!!!!!!!!!

Great news!

Anonymous said...

The judge did not get specific about the physical visits. He did specify phone calls every other day. This is just for now. The next time we head to court it will be for permanent custody of the children. A date for that has not been set yet.

George Brown

Anonymous said...

That's a great question about Mr. Winkler. I hope they will at least treat Mary with some respect when she comes to visit her children. I pray that she will eventually be able to get them back all together.

Anonymous said...

Good! Great to know the visits must be supervised.

The Judge sure didn't say she could just come on her own without supervision.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not. In-fact if Winkler were to show up without a set appointment the Winkler's have every right to deny her and even to call the police.

George Brown

Anonymous said...

She will get her children back eventually! Everything takes time. The proof will be much more extensive when they actually have a hearing to terminate her parental rights. If I were the Winklers, I would try to work something out to ensure that I did not end up being the person excluded from the children's lives. For those of you casting stones, I do not believe that any part of this situation is easy for any of the parties. I hope none of you ever has to be in Mary's position. It is not our job to sit in judgment of others. Two judges and a jury have already done that. Obviously they believed most, if not all, of Mary's testimony. Domestic abuse is rarely ever witnessed. If it were, it would not occur at the unbelievable rates that it does. Why did she not leave? Let someone beat you down verbally, emotionally, physically, and sexually day in and day out and then let's see where your self esteem ends up. Some people are stronger than others! Unfortunately, maybe Mary wasn't strong enough. The girls need all of the members of both sides of their family. Is there any such thing as too much love for a child?

Anonymous said...

I believe god is telling the Winklers to change your way. I know the kind of christain Mary is and she would never hurt her kids by keeping them from the Winklers. God is guiding Mary and she is following.

Anonymous said...

I believe that she should have visitation rights to her children and the possibly down the road she may can regain custody. For those who do not support her, you have your right to disagree because of being blind to the realization of abuse. However, I grew up in a sexually abusive home and I tell you that there wasn't a day go by that I didnt hear how worthless I was and that it would do no good to tell because noone would believe me because of who my family was in the church so I DO understand the worthlessness that Mary feels and felt. People say, 'you could just leave.' but when you spend years of your life in a situation like that you are totally brainwashed. I don't condone her killing Matthew but i DO think that it was an accident and that she has done her time. She will spend the rest of her life with Sexual Abuse memories and flashbacks from someone who 'claimed' to be a man of God and who appears not to have been all he said he was. So, those who wish to cast stone on a victim, go right ahead but I DO hope that one day you will not have to experience sexual abuse and disgrace but if you do, maybe then you will understand what she and others go through on a day to day basis.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the kids are still living in a home that is stable and loving, here in Carroll County!! At least we do have some decent judges in our county!!

Anonymous said...

This is in response to George Brown's inquiry: "Absolutely not. In-fact if Winkler were to show up without a set appointment the Winkler's have every right to deny her and even to call the police."

George Brown

I am sorry, but I thought that news reporters were supposed to be completely objective and report the news! Unless you have obtained a law degree, I am not entirely sure why you felt it appropriate to respond to that statement. The STATEMENT was "The Judge sure didn't say she could just come on her own without supervision." Please stick to reporting the facts! BTW, I really don't think it was relevant - at all - that Mary was smoking a cigarette outside during the lunch break! Does that really have anything to do with the hearing that was held today? Reserve the commentary (stated or implied) please!

Anonymous said...

You people are cracking me up. Matthew did not get a day in court. Mary was judge and jury!! I would not want my grandchildren raised by that psycho murderer. If you support Mary so much, send your own children into the claws of a murderer. I bet not many of you would do that. No sane person would!

Anonymous said...

Mary was NOT convicted of Murder! So, why are you calling her a Murderer? The kids are being placed by in the hands of their mother. Please call it as it is!

Anonymous said...

The children are being allowed to visit with a murderer! What other way is there to see it? She shot him in the back while he was asleep. Her own 9 year old daughter came when she heard the shot and saw her father dying, and saw her "loving" mother leave him lying there with the phone unplugged and go on a nice little vacation to the beach as if nothing significant had happened. Yikes. This is past the point of ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! last comment

Anonymous said...

To the above post, I was not giving my opinion but instead stating the facts in response to an earlier post.
The post about Mary Winkler smoking was my observation at the time. That's my job as a reporter, I observe and tell you what I see. The great thing with a blog is that you can be more descriptive and it's a little looser. Blogging is different than traditional reporting and it takes time to get used to.

George Brown

norman sheffield said...

I am sorry, but I thought that news reporters were supposed to be completely objective and report the news! Unless you have obtained a law degree,................
Thats such a cheap shot at George,,any birdbrain knows what a judge issues in his order is what it is nothing else,anything else will be contempt of court.

OJ cant contact his accusers in any for or fashion no e/mail,snail mail tele,text,or bird mail.

George you are doing a damm good job.

Anonymous said...

I believe Mary should have supervised visitation only!! One child has already said she was afraid of her-what kind of loving mother would want to force herself back into the life of a child already living in fear of her? Mary killed Matthew-plain and simple. I don't believe the abused woman story. I have known abused and dominated women and the very first thing that goes is their control over money and finances and we all know Mary was definitely in control of that! I only wish Mary could have had a jury that saw through all of her staged emotions, but she did give probably the performance of her life! Everyone has already seen Mary smoking and drinking-is this her idea of a good home life for her girls? Not to mention the boyfriend, she was sure in a hurry to get another man in her life after being so abused and dominated by Matthew. Go figure! Good luck to Dan and Diane Winkler!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that is good news but lets see how they treat Mary when she comes to see her children. Will they be cristianlike or not??? More power to Mary on this subject, I hope she gets her children back real soon.

Anonymous said...

Of course they should be allowed to visit with their mother. Even if she had gone to prison, she still would have had visiting privileges.... if the Winklers would have brought them to visit--wherin lies the problem.

Whether Mary was right or wrong is not the real issue here. The real issue is that Matt's parents do not understand forgiveness. Yes, being a mother, I would find it very hard to forgive someone who took my child's life. But it is something that as a Christian has to be done.

Also, being a mother, I cannot understand the logic behind what Mary did either. There has to be thought behind what we do. We have to think of the consequences. Everyone is suffering the consequences in that family on both sides. Mary, the Winklers, and most of all the children.

But this is something that none of us know what we would do until we face it. God willing, we never will have to.