Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm Back

Kay Farese Turner is cross examining Dr. Keith Ablow. Ablow just admitted he wrote a book called "Inside the Mind of Scott Peterson" without ever interviewing or evaluating Peterson. Ablow said he was paid $30,000 to work on the Mary Winkler case. He says the money was paid to him by the Winkler family attorneys.


Anonymous said...

Where is the 30,000 coming from? Preachers must make alot of money. First 300 an hour to the first witness and now 30,000 to the next? Who know what they paid their attorney. Where is ALL this Money coming from? The kids trust-fund?

Anonymous said...

Why would you assume that it is coming from the children's trust fund? Many people who hire experts don't have a trust fund. In addition to Mr. Winkler preaching and teaching at a university, Mrs. Winkler is a teacher, and they have a publishing company.

Anonymous said...

So they paid the $30,000 dollars their selves? Can we see records of the children's trust-fund? OH I forgot Kay has requested the records.. The Winkler's have refussed once again. I believe Judge Christie Little requested the records also and the records was never turned over. I believe the only money Mary has spent has been on providing a home for her 3 children. Mary has not spent one dime on withness.