Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Zaeger says "I do not believe Mary is a harm to herself or anyone else."
This part of the testimony is very dry and very technical. Zaeger say she has only evaluated Winkler, not treated her. Zaeger says she has talked with Winkler's counselors but that they have not turned over paper record to her. Zaeger, "The level of functioning has increased tremendously. She works a regular job ans shows a lot of independence."


Anonymous said...

That's because the poor pityful defendless Mary thing was all a hoax

Anonymous said...

What a rocket scientist she/he is... how much energy does it take to work at a dry cleaners lol

Anonymous said...

How many job offers do you think Mary had while she was waiting to go to trial? She had to start somewhere. Hopefully she can do better as time goes on.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever worked at a dry cleaners? Thank goodness it doesn't take a rocket scientist to raise little girls or a LOT of us would be unfit!

Anonymous said...

Now, let's put 2 and 2 together. Mary's boyfriend is Darrel Pillow, brother of the guy who owns the cleaners. Makes you wonder how she got the job and if the romance wasn't already going on and her boyfriend talked his brother into giving her the job.

Anonymous said...

I believe Mary working shows that she is doing the best she can to return herself to society as a citizen with what little she has to work with. Most ex-cons/etc will not work a normal job. They usually end up back in the system. As long as Mary is not breaking the law and during what the courts have asked her to do, well then I don't have a problem with her. The ones who break the law serve time and gets out and then break the law with end two-three days are the ones who gets on my nerves.

Anonymous said...

If Mary gets those kids, say one day the children act out and she gets anger or upset that they won't listen to her--reckon she would get a gun or some other way to get their attention!?! The children, espcially the oldest, might think that Mary will harm them when she gets upset. The oldest child is old enough to figure things out. Is that the best for those children?

Anonymous said...

Not that my concerns matter at all, if I were that judge I wouldn't want that on my conscious if she does "flip out" again and want to get their attention for some reason or the other, and shoot one of the girls. Especially when they get into their teen years, and the oldest isn't that far from from being a teenager. I just think she should be allowed to see the girls on certain visitation days, but that's it. I wouldn't want to be the one to hand those children back over to her "unconditionally".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:32
I don't believe Mary will get a gun if her kids act up. Mary snapped when Matthew put his hand of the baby's mouth to make her pass-out March 22, 2006. Your statement "will Mary get a gun when her kids act up?" Just don't sound logical.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:37

Mary Winkler fan or friend?!?!?!

Who is logical here?!?!